Age Of Despair Wiki
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Welcome to Age of Despair Wiki!

This is a Website for the Action/ Combat based RPG, called Age Of Despair, on the GW forums. AoD is an RPG game; It combines text-based with the classic statistic based - but is also so much more. Guilds are created between a band of members for the benefits. Parties are created so that players play together on quests or freestyle for the fun of it. There's always something to do--random event, quest, free-play, war. All the races are in struggle, swaps between cities and wars/battles/skirmishes trading off wins. Player can practically play text-based, and combine it with the battle system to expand Role playing. Parties, Quests, Guilds are all just to increase the fun. Equips, accessories, and a pet help you in combat. Stat and skill point distribution, alongside the selection of one the 13 unique classes helps make your character unique. Maybe go and buy like 30 mercenaries to take down a small town and get them to start working for you--its possible. Maybe raise some cash by being hired by other players--its possible. Maybe be a permanent mercenary in fights for the upper hand--its possible. Maybe be a collector and trader for mega profit, then vanquish it into getting unique items--its possible. Stock up cash, win battles and literally order constructions of massive cities starting with a single house--its possible--and it starts with a click.


Linking Paths Event

  • +5 Reputation from all quests
  • +2x Gold from all quests
  • +2x Gold from all drops
  • +2x Item drops

Interactivity Rewarding Event

There are rewards for doing any of the following things: Earn a piece of land. Earn a city. Earn more than 5 mercenaries. Win [an increasing amount] of skirmishes. Win a battle(theres a huge difference). Complete your first quest. Gain an ally(Human or NPC). Become Level 6(mega-important level)


Unholy Paladin--This new undead race is in progress. Any ideas such as weapon/armor names, accessories, pets, skills, etc. are all welcome--but not mandatory for me.

Guilds can be created--You are now able to create your own guild. Simply post it in a new thread. Requirements and other info are up to you(example, you pay them or they pay you. Or you have to be a certain race(as in elf, human, undead), class, or level, etc.)

Updater Application available--You can now become an updater with 5 easy steps. See the thread for instructions. Submission must be PMed.

How to Start

Well, we're not going to actually Rp here. For three good reasons: Against GW Rules(I think), too difficult, and not detailed enough to make the posts. Instead, this is where we post profiles, maybe ask or comment every once in a while, and its a reference site. First, press New Page. Next, just put in your profile--and that's pretty much it. Just good for the archives. Make sure that when yoiu make a page, see the bottom, where it says to submit it. You'll press that--but before that, press the Add category button. Then type in Content(will be changed to more suitable later), and press enter. You're good to go.

To navigate around the page, press links--but to navigate from scratch, click this link. To browse around, press corresponding links to your desire--and to go back, go to near bottom of browser where it says a category. This is where you came from before the page you're on. That's why we do those category things. So we find it later--and it doesn't get lost.

If you want to leave a message, comment, or suggestion, click this link. Also come here to simply talk.
